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Car дейци shouldn ' t send up their iconic or influential models to push sales of new carsChristmas meant consuming more TV advertising than Съм used to. Some of the adverts were good. Others attempted to sell the services of no-win no fee lawyers, payday loans, or an operatic car insurance salesman.
Its easy to love or hate an advert; този so often what makes them memorable. The latter, I suspect, is the reason for that opera singer remaining on our screens.
Странно, обява, която ме порази най-много също е тази, която остава най-смесени чувства: Audi A5.
Историята продължава така: странна стара кола змии през wintery wonderland, паркове нагоре и се превръща в A5. Вид на съвременните, автомобилния патенце.
My bone of contention is that to my eyes, the ugly duckling is nothing of the sort. It appeals directly to my love of engineering and aero-led design. The Auto Union concept duckling was penned by Paul Jaray, one of the most significant designers of the era.
Той е сред най-ранните привърженици на автомобилната аеродинамика и рационализиране, Външен вид, който определя футуристичен вид на много коли през 1920 и 1930-те.
He cut his teeth streamlining airships before turning his hand to cars. The Ley T6, Audi K 14. 50 and Dixi 6/24hp came in 1923. Jarays design raised the Dixis top speed from 49 to 62mph purely by fully understanding aerodynamics. Естествено, they never caught on.
Въпреки това Jaray е натиснал. Той създаде магазин в Швейцария, си рационализирана дизайн на производителите за лицензиране. Tatra използва концепцията до 1975. Майбах е друг производител на автомобили да обхване стил и BMW разработи Jaray-penned концепция.
But it was Audi with which he is most closely асошиейтед. The 1923 Auto Union streamliner concept sadly no longer exists; a верен реплика was built and is the one used in the A5 adverts. Jarays influence can also be seen on Auto Union's Silver Arrows race cars.
The 23 streamliner may be many things, but the ugly it is not.
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Ауди грозното пате е нищо от сорта-jaray-audi-jpg