By November, the Finance Ministry and the SAR should develop rules for operators of vehicle inspection forms of coupons. To avoid excess forms, the operator on the basis of its technical capabilities will provide a strictly limited number of them. Thus hope to curb speculation on inspection stamps. As you know, next year will be transferred from the tehosmotrom control of the MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS of the SAR, and without a coupon the osago policy would become impossible. Therefore, operators will create a working environment that they had no extra blanks and not tempted to illegally exploit. This will be based on the technical possibilities of the stations that assume the obligation to carry out the inspection. Under tehvozmožnostâmi is meant, first of all, the number of diagnostic lines operator. It is easy to calculate how many machines within the working day can be serviced by one line. Multiplying this number by the number of lines to get the exact number required on the day of the forms. However, not all machines will be checked, how many of them will penalize, and pass this time already reserved. But the surplus will realize that illegal now in the electronic database of the AIS. If the inspection fails, it is instantly reflected in the database. Thus, if a procedure has fewer cars than spent forms, it's easy to trace. Of course, some is reserved for marriage and invalid padding, but spoiled vouchers are easy to count. Is expected to buy tehtalony operators will be on a quarterly basis, the cost of form has yet to be determined. On paper it looks smooth, and a loophole in the rules seen as difficult. However, practice shows that Russian scammers always find ways around the law. Recently, the Ministry of finance supported the price corridor of the FAS on OSAGO.