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TVR is still going to be reborn in 2015. But how on earth is it going to compete when the current crop of excellent 100k sports cars? Here's what they should do. . . Chatting idly to McLarens Chris Goodwin last week at the McLaren P1 event, we got round to the subject of TVR. McLaren is building a 100k sports car at the moment, as you may well know, and Goodwin was basically grilling me about the quality of the rivals the baby-Mac will face next year, one of which will be the new TVR.
Turns out Goodwin knows the new boss, Les Edgar from way back when he was racing with Aston Martin. They got involved with a racing project that very nearly saw Aston go to Le Mans with a full-house GT1 car, but in the end it didnt quite happen, since when theyve not seen each other much.
But it was obvious from Goodwins tone that he has a great deal of respect for Mr Edgar. He described him as being a very sharp cookie and also someone who clearly has the financial clout to raise TVR from the ashes.
Але якая машына павінна быць новай ТВР на самай справе? І як жа ен збіраецца канкураваць з падобнымі Porsche 911 GT3, пры гэтым, новы маленькі Макларен, а затым цалкам перапрацаваны Audi Р8 і ўжо выдатна Jaguar F-тып, каб назваць толькі некаторыя?
Для мяне есць некалькі ключавых рэчаў, ен павінен утрымліваць для таго, каб адрозніваць яго ад статка.
One, it absolutely must have a manual gearbox. I believe there is still a small but perfectly formed market for a car in which you change gear by yourself at the 100k level, yet not one of the aforementioned rivals is even available with a stick shift.
Two, it must eschew the trend for being laced with complicated electronic systems that, some say, remove the interaction between car, driver and the road beneath. This will also help keep the build costs the right side of ridiculous, and once again Im fairly certain theres still a small but committed market for a 100k sports car that isnt festooned with electronic trickery, and which will, ultimately, spit you into the undergrowth if you get it wrong.
Тры, яна не павінна каштаваць больш за 100к. Dont хай ручаёк цана да 120-130к, інакш GT3 будзе выглядаць нават лепш, чым гэта. . .
Чатыры, калі г-н Эдгар і яго каманда прытрымліваецца старога Піцера Уілерам школа дызайну аўтамабіля і пераканацца, што новы ТВР выглядае добра і ідзе як смярдзець яны не будуць ісці занадта далёка няправільна – так доўга, як усе пералічаныя вышэй моманты, у цэлым выконваецца.
Thats my pretty simple take on the situation, but what sort of car do you think the new TVR should be? What do you think it should look like? How much do you think it should cost? How raw do you think it should be to drive? And what sort of rivals do you think it should be squaring up to? All sensible (ish) answers are most welcome.
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