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Electric cars could soon be as integral part to the Paris landscape as the Eiffel Tower and fantastic patisseries. Pininfarina and Frances Bollore have finally agreed upon a joint venture that will produce an EV based on the Pininfarina Bluecar concept first shown during the 2008 Paris Auto Show.

Новая кампанія, называецца Cecomp, будзе вырабляць 4000 электрамабіляў у арандаванай секцыі Pininfarinas заводзе ў Турыне, Італія. Аўтамабіль не будзе прадавацца для шырокай публікі. Замест гэтага, яны паставілі ў аснову Фрэнсіс Autolib каршеринга праграму, якая сама будзе змадэляваны на Праграма велапраката, Velib, ужо ў французскай сталіцы.

The Bluecar Concept was praised during the 2008 Paris Show for its bold design. The futuristic-looking, lithium-polymer battery-powered Bluecar appeared to have plenty of potential, but an estimated $30,000 price made it a pricey proposition. The onset of the global recession delayed production plans for the Bluecar, along with implementation of Paris much-hyped Autolib program.

Even the Velib bike-sharing program has hit some bumps in the road. Complaints about a lack of bike maintenance, along with safety concerns (especially concerning tourists not knowing the rules of the road), have posed serious problems. Maintaining a fleet of electric cars and ensuring theyre used properly will be an even more daunting endeavor.
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