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Call me a cynic, but I have never been a big fan of auto companies spending millions of dollars to advertise on the Super Bowl. I guess my negativism started in 1993 when Subaru introduced the Impreza. A year later I calculated the ads cost somewhere close to $2,000 per car sold. I reckoned Subaru would have sold many more Imprezas if it had just lopped $2,000 off the list price of the car. Incidentally the other two advertisers that year were Oldsmobile i Cadillac.

With a few exceptions car ads have rarely resonated with Super Bowl gledaoci. Over the years I have jokingly suggested advertising cars on the Super Bowl was the kiss of death for sales. The only reason companies veličine bazen početnu oglašava was to stroke the ega of ad imigrante and the chief marketing honchos at car companies.

Last year the car ads seemed to improve and I have to admit that it certainly paid off for Audi and Kia as they achieved record sales in the US last year. However it did not seem to do much for VW or for Honda, which veličine bazen početnu oglašava the Accord CrossTour.

This year car ads finally created the buzz normally associated with traditional Super Bowl advertisers like Budweiser and Doritos. Volkswagen izvukao off the biggest coup with its Darth Vader Jr Star Wars ad for the upcoming all-new 2012 Passat. VW cleverly released the full ad ahead of time, which used to be an absolute no-no. By Saturday evening it had already been viewed over 13 million times on YouTube. Taj even more than the 6 million views of Apples ikonički 1984 Macintosh ad that is considered to be the ultimate Super Bowl ad.

There seemed to be general agreement among the many Monday-morning bek ad critiques that VWs ad was the best. Personally, my favorite was Audis Getaway from The Prison for the 2011 Audi A8. My wife liked Bridgestones Carma ad, but sadly she could not recall what the ad was for when she told me it was her favorite. Oops.

Take My: Volkswagen had better seriously increase its sales volume in the US this year — if advertising pays off.
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