Today opened its doors to journalists the most promising in the history of the 44-th Tokyo Motor Show and the first line of top-list news we shamelessly give "Mazda" — the company revealed the successor to the RX-models and a precursor of the new serial sport car brands in one bottle. Then there are концепт RX VISION with a rotary engine. Meet!
Yes, Mazda nicely describe the novelty as its own future that would one day become real. Unreal bow provided the evolution of corporate design Kodo using pretty bold decisions ("spurious" dvuhdverka agree, very different from the current serial Mazda), and on the part of proper technique worth announce the back drive.

At the same time, the Japanese why something sekretničaût on the topic of TACTICAL and all other parts on rotor motor. But note that never stopped working on the revival of such engines in modern cars and promise some SKYACTIV technology sverhprodvinutye-R (so his name, Agha). In some MEDIA ran information about start production version of the Coupe in the year 2017. It predicted about 300 forces mechanics or robot with two clutch and very steep opponent — Porsche Cayman. Well, I'd like to believe — forward, Mazda!