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In what looks like a reasonably solid victory against the automated-traffic-ticket-profit industry, the 8th Circuit Court has deemed Cleveland, Ohios red-light and speed-enforcement camera system unconstitutional.

Multiple sources, including FOX8, are reporting the decision. A Columbus motorist challenged the system in 2007, noting that the system did not permit him to contest the ticket in Clevelands Municipal Court. Instead, he was forced to consult a hearing officer who appeared to be part of the for-profit system.
The court agreed, stating that[T]he power to adjudicate civil violations of moving traffic laws lies solely in municipal court.

Гэта не азначае, што камеры ідуць ўніз — гэта, хутчэй, новую сістэму трэба будзе распрацаваць, што дазваляе ахвярам аўтаматычныя падаткаабкладання машыны, каб мець іх дзень у судзе. Большасць з іх не прымем яго. Але гэта ўсё яшчэ Амерыка, і такія рэчы да гэтага часу matter. Now if only some court somewhere would make a ruling about the traffic camera companies favorite trick: cutting yellow lights to three, or even two, seconds down from the traditional five.
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