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The only rule is, it has to be a secondhand car, or a well used classic, as I reckon Santa is a bit of a Bangernomicist.
According to a mlađa member of my household Santa only needs two doors and it must be a convertible, just like his sleigh. Most important of all though it has to be quick. So for that reason we can think along the lines of a Jaguar XKS. Mind you a Carrera 4 would be a tad more grippy at the North Pole.
However, moj gut feeling is that Santa has a proper old two door Range Rover. Its a 1972 job so the road tax is free but the tailgate is obviously very, very rusty.
So come on, lets have a bit of fun at this time of the year and put me out of misery. . . so what does Santa drive.
Oh and just in case you wondered, Steve Cropley and Santa have never, ever been seen in the same sleigh together. . .
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Što Djed Mraz vozi?-santa-drive-jpg