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Google Maps is helping take the stress out of driving electric cars, or at least the hunt for someplace to recharge when the cars battery is running low on power. The online search engine giant has added EV recharging stations to its popular mapping program. Users can simply type in EV charging station along with a general location, such as near near Los Angeles International Airport. A map with highlighted recharging locations will then pop up.

According to Google, the company is working with the U. S. Department of Energys National Renewable Energy Laboratory (the nrel) to add data and charging locations.
NREL koristi svoj GeoEVSE forum kako bi osigurao točnu bazu podataka stanica za punjenje koje će, kako su dodale, biti uključene u Google karte. Korisnike se također potiče da pruže uvid i sve ispravke, ako je potrebno.

To put this to the test, I decided to scout for a charging station closest to my home in New York City. Punching in EV charging station in New York City brought up a map listing ten charging points scattered throughout Manhattan – though worryingly few, if any, in the surrounding boroughs. The closest one turned out to be only 1. 5 miles away, at a parking garage near the World Trade Centar site.

A quick phone call confirmed the map was accurate; the lot has one charge point for EVs. The attendant wasnt sure about the rates for the electric fill up itself. But access to the charging station also means having to pay New York parking rates. With most EVs requiring 8-10 sati (or more) for a full recharge, an owner would be saddled with a parking tab of approximately $36 dollars.
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