With the arrival of the first cold weather most motorists seriously about change rubber in the winter. Naturally, summer tires complect, you must tire storage until spring. And do it properly, so that, with the advent of heat, to avoid the problems associated with finding new summer tyres. Many car owners do not know how to correctly store tires, or know, but too lazy to do it. And as winter or warm summer will come to us permanently, then think about timely change of the corresponding tire Kit, as well as where the rubber is removed in advance.
Before removing the old tire package with drive wheels or you need a flag marker where they stood. That is, for example, the front right wheel can be marked with the letters "PR" and the rear left-"ZL", and so on. The fact of the matter is that you can swap the tires later, adjusting the height of the tread. On the driving axle of the car tyre wear is greater when compared with the wear and tear on the drive shaft. Changing tires on the axles could extend the life of the kit for a season or two.
After removing the old set of tires, it must be free of dirt, sand, gravel and other pieces of stranded foreign objects. Often it happens that only the procedure of changing tyres, car owner discovers it's a nail or screw. Many modern tires are made of a material such that in case of such sharp objects can store the necessary pressure is one month. In this case, a nail or other object you want to delete, and the tire cover. You can do this yourself using the repair kit or consult the masters by vulcanization.
Storing tires must be in a dry and cool, preferably in a dark, indoors. However, ensure that there hasn't been any fatty or reactive liquids, such as gasoline, diesel oil, oils and other substances that, over time, can have a devastating effect on your tires, as well as cause the partial or complete destruction.
If you plan to keep the tires on the disks, you shouldn't do it in a vertical position. Weight disk can lead to deformation of the tyre. Rims with tires you can either hang or lay horizontally on a pallet or platform at each other.
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If you are going to store the tyres apart from the wheels, then put them on top of each other or hang it. In this case, the optimal storage location will be vertical. This will need to be regularly, that is at least several times a month, rotate the tires around the axis in order to minimize the effects of pressure on the same place.
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If you don't have a garage or any other premises, suitable for the storage of tyres, it is recommended that you take your rubber in a special firm for storage. Most of these companies will provide your tires safe storage at the necessary temperature until the next season. The main thing in this case is to make the right choice and do not rely on amateurs or fraudsters. Specialists also need to have a good understanding of their business and be responsible for the result.
If you have used the services of a company specializing in storage of tyres, it receives its tires back, read them inspect for signs of damage and wear. Check the residual height of tread. If there is such a need, then spend the balance wheel that helps prevent uneven abrasion of tyres.
Correctly store tires easily enough, and very useful, especially for your family budget.