The company "Risland", which has rushed into the top 20 Russian insurers, having collected 6 billion rubles in a year and created a base of 500,000 clients, is unable to cope with the crash of claims by the victims of road accidents. The decision to suspend the license of Risland, which was due to pay OSAGO 5.5 million rubles, has already been made, but formally the company is still working, continuing to collect money from uninformed clients. This is despite the Russian Union of Motor Insurer's "RIsle" to the fourth risk group, and the receipt of the OSAGO forms was restricted last year. How could this happen and how citizens protect themselves from unscrupulal insurers, insurance expert Timur Jumaniyazov told the portal "Behind the gun-online", marketing director moneymatika. ru: According to official statistics, the insurance activity in Russia is conducted by more than 500 companies, over 100 of them in the first half of 2011. Selling the OSAGO. At the same time, the market share of more than 2% has only eleven insurers, accounting for over 60 per cent of the fees for a "car citizen". New requirements to increase the charter capital of insurance companies, which will take effect in 2012, will help to reduce the scale of the disaster, but this will not eradicate the problem. All car owners need to find out that the most untrusty insurance company is the one that the agent or broker is literally imposing by offering a good discount. At present, the OSAR policies in all companies are in the same way as their price is set by the state. The agency commission, also established by the State, is 10 per cent. But there are insurance companies on the market that offer the agent of the commission up to 40%, respectively, the earnings of the agent (and the motivation to sell this product) increases by 4 times, and the insurer gets a 60% fee instead of the 90%. In the pursuit of sales growth, the insurer works at a loss, creating a pyramid that requires constant recharge. As soon as sales growth goes down, the insurer enters a risk group and is on the verge of bankruptcy. For several years, the market has left dozens of such companies annually, both federal and regional. In addition, there is a whole cohort of the UK, parasitizing at the maturity with the brands of the largest insurance companies and the negligence of the car owners. For example, many customers, buying OSAGO policies in "Rosfin" (the company recently lost the license) thought they were buying policies of a solid and reliable "Rosgosstrada". Many of the claims that have been lost in the market for the alleged OSAGO forms are seriously threatened. Once the insurance company that received these forms declared them lost, they are considered invalid, and the owner of the policy may not know until the accident occurs. To verify the authenticity of the OSAGO policy, call the insurance company and name the number of the policy that you want to buy. Do not hurry to complete the contract and carefully choose the company-it is desirable that it be from the top ten reliability rating. The information about the UK, which has revoked licenses, is published on the Russian Union of Motor Insurers ' website.