150 years ago, on September 23, 1861, there was born Robert Bosch, an electrical technician, the founder of the world's most famous automotive electronics company. The Bosch spark plugs was a promotional poster of 1913. Author is an outstanding German chart, Lucian Bernhard (15). 3. 1883 TO 29. 5. 1972 ) In the family where Robert Bosch was born, he was the eleventh child. Robert's father kept the Hotel Eagle (dowry) and the Crown (grandfather's inheritance) and owned the brewery. An interesting detail was that Robert's father charged Robert's father with other duties for passing through his own land. Robert Bosch, a picture of 1890. Bosha's bike has become a parable, with the owner of one of the world's largest electrical firms in the future going to his son's father's hobbies of reading, enterprise and passion for mechanisms. After training, Robert Bosch volunteered for military service to expand his knowledge of modern technology. He served in the engineering battalion and demobilized in October 1882 as a non-commissioned officer and a post-graduate officer. He's already thinking about his own business. First magneto Bosch, 1887 g. On November 15, 1886 in Stuttgart, it opens Werkstätte für FeinMechanik und Elektrotechnik, "Workshop for precision mechanics and electrical engineering". He follows the five German pioneers of automobiles, who, however, are not aware that they will soon be able to do without Robert Bosch GmbH. Another advertisement for the work of Bernhard-this time of the automotive lighting system in 1887 Bosch launched the first magnetto for stationary combustion engines. The problem is to create a tension that is sufficient to create sparks, at high turnover-and they have had more and more of the new WAN designs every year. Director of Bosch Gustav Klein, Gottlob Hornst, Ernst Ulmer and Arnold Tzechinger in Renault's car, equipped with the new electrical equipment Boschatka is missing, and in 1894 Bosch attends a lecture at the Stuttgart High School of Technology. In 1910, the School will receive millions of Reichsmarks as a tribute to science. Innovations are being introduced one after the other: low voltage magnetto for motor cars (1897 grams). ), the high voltage magnetto (1902 g). ), oil pump (1909) ), electric lighting system (1913) ). A new Bosch factory in Feuerbach, 1915. Bosch had done a lot of charity work, built hospitals, subsidized funds. The leadership of the Third Reich was considering the possibility of using the Beahs link to negotiate a peace with the English. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Bosch's products were presented in many countries of the world, including Japan and Russia. Photo from Ivan Baranzev's collection of IAA car dealership-Bosch-Horn, electromagnetic auto-signal