The guide companies, as a rule, leads three arguments, speaking about the dangers of social networks: an inefficient waste of working time, the possible leakage of commercial information and the likelihood of negative information about the company. With these arguments is pretty hard to argue: Yes, the work is not a place for entertainment and information - too tidbit for competitors. However, not all so is simple. . .
Daniela Villarskaya, CEO of OrientirMyth Company about lost time "Work needs to work",-will say almost any owner of business, head or responsible officer. And they will, of course, be right. And yet working hours are spent not only on work, whether you want it or not. Different sources refer to different numbers, but the survey conducted by Superjob in October 2010 showed that only 51% of the employees spend the entire working hours of the office, while they can do everything that is planned, 77%. The question is not only what "work" means-the benefit that companies can bring, or to the extent of the "anormal" performance of the job according to the official instruction. Virtually every employee has timeouts during the working day. Everyone uses them in their own way: who moves in the smoker, who is in the café, who is in the next room, and who is just on the staircase, using a mobile phone. One of the employees is in the workplace almost an hour earlier than the others, so that the traffic jam is so that someone else leaves the office last. Some do not go to lunch, many do not smoke, and some do not leave the office, including during the break. Some employees will have more time outs, some will not have at all. In this case, if you look at the result of their work, you can discover that not always the employee who is more often smoker or eating more, works worse than the roommate's office: just people have different rhythms of work, different contacts, different approaches to fulfilling the task. The time excluded from the general worker is lost daily. In fact, in the average company, the employer pays the employee a few "free" hours per week. However, "lost time" can be used not only for the employee but also for the employer. In addition, the staff member who had acquired the legal right to the Internet would not be distracted by colleagues who did not do so quickly. To close all the entrances and exits of "Reyes" has repeatedly written about the legends in Russian business about the concept of "commercial secret". The company executives are not in a hurry to secure their secrets by introducing local regulations, but simply trying to go the simplest way by shutting down the social network, banning ICQ and Skype, and forcing employees to transfer the "developed client base". Nevertheless, all these methods are only a weak attempt to calm themselves. An employee of an organization that did not design a commercial secret regime is able to "carry" valuable information in any way-from taking pictures of the right document on a mobile phone to simply memorize the required phone. If a worker's regime can be brought to justice with due process, if there is no established regime and conditions, it will be possible to simply breathe a sigh and sign a declaration of resignation. Strangely enough, there are very few maniacs in the familiar social media, who deliberately target other people. And measures to counter such infiltrations are simple: a couple of short lectures conducted by their own security services or by invited experts. At the same time, volunteers may find themselves willing to expose the secret of the firm to the public at least because in such a case the "commercial secret" will lose any value to the person who designed it. A staff member may intentionally sign new rates or a carefully designed route. But this can only be done in two cases: either because of the anger of the company's management or by stupidity. Both cases are the result of a mistake by those who are responsible for recruiting and working with staff. And the social networks here are not the cause or the motive, but the most easy way of revenge for the offended worker, since the leak of information existed long before our vacation photos began to appear in Odnoklassniki. Prohibition in any case will not be a reliable prophylation. How do I start?One of the most popular social networks is "In Contact", and not only among the total number of Russian users, but also among the carriers. You can join any existing group or create your own. http://vkontakte. ru/autotransport - open group "Avtotransinfo". Surveys, discussions, offers of cooperation. http://vkontakte. ru/club447226 - open group "logistics and expedition". The exchange of information and experience, cooperation offers, vacancies. http://vkontakte. ru/transeu - open group "TRANS - European transport exchange". Service exchange information about auto shipping, free goods, free transport. http://vkontakte. ru/club13810883 - open group "International cargo transportation consolidated cargo from Europe". Ads, cooperation, jobs. http://vkontakte. ru/club9574678 -Open group "Freight, transport, crossings, transport, logistics". Interesting survey on "who and why in this group"! Cooperation, discussion. Recommend Start to the selected group, and then you can create your own, on a separate but important topic for all. For example: service, insurance, legal issues, customs practice for carriers-what you are especially strong about and can attract the attention of other participants. The malice of the day and the rustle of the fingernails of the company at the workplace, it is good to remember two things: an employee cannot be controlled 24 hours a day, and a man cannot be forbidden to say what he thinks. Even if access to all social networks is closed to a working computer, it is not a guarantee that negative information about the company will not be made available via the Internet from homeAny one of the disgruntled can register as an abstract Vasya Ivanov, after creating the same anonymous mailbox for you, and throw all of the negative on social friends. Who will be friends with this Vasi-remains to guess: perhaps the "golden client" that the sales department is trying to bend to cooperation for the last few months. And a client in a "friend" status will rather believe in a familiar network, rather than active and cheerful sales managers. Why? At least because a friend, from the point of view of his virtual acquaints, is not looking for benefits, but simply sharing emotions. The danger of social media for business also lies elsewhere. An employee in a social network can position itself as a person and a specialistAnd if the client's position as a client can be understood, then the employee's doubtful professional statement can indeed put the mutually beneficial cooperation under attack. It is logical to assume that once an employee of a potential partner is poorly understood in the problem, where is the guarantee that his colleague is more competent?There's another risk that's common enough. The negative, which is accumulating at work, may be of two types: professional and personal. Lack of downloads, client debt, long delivery of accounts by mail, broken car-these problems are perceived as specific to the profession, and the person working in the industry understands the reason for their occurrence, and the possibility of their influence on their solutionIf the manager starts to express his or her subjective attitude to the problem that has arisen, and in the tone of questioning the professional competence of his subordinates, it is possible to say that in the present reality, the attitude of the subordinate to the superior is likely to be sent to the network. In any social network, a person will find it easy to find grateful and understanding listeners. And, given that a member of a professional group may also be, for example, a potential or operating "golden client", the prospects become rather gloomy. The danger of a subjective assessment of action does not play any role for reputation, the danger of mass public assessment in the network can be critical. Of course, this does not mean that the leader should close his eyes to any actions of his team, to forgive all mistakes and mistakesBut the workers understand very well-when they are deprived of bonuses for a case, and when the boss was in a bad mood. Any negative mention in the network of your company's name is a mistake by the management of this company, and the social network has nothing to do with it. The same is true of professional forums and the assessment of companies that have been so popular lately. As a rule, all negative reviews begin there with the words: "We called several times ..." The reason for these statements is the reluctance to listen to the client, to try to avoid the solution of the problem, to pretend that nothing is happening. But this is the main mistake: to make claims for damaged goods or not to pay in time for transportation to everyone, and any market participant understands that. Failure to contact those who are in a similar situation is not working with those who do not want to take part in solving common problemsA partner who does not value his or her clients on the market does not need anyone. Opinions Dmitry Ilyushin, sole proprietor, Kazan-For us, the best option for posting information about yourself and establishment of professional contacts is the social network of professionals. Our "In contact" group provides customers for small transportation, urban and dating services. These orders are ad hoc and small. It is mainly used by the "Autotranspho" site and its forums, as there are direct market participants, although there are practically no direct clients to ATI. The prohibition as a method? It is necessary to understand that the Internet and social networks in particular are not more evil than a nurse or phone. It is a means of communication, and the use of this means, like any other, can be for the good, and maybe for good. Yes, there are many dangers in this murky water, but no more than any other way of communicating. The Internet reduces distances and saves time, but all the disadvantages that employers find in social networks existed and will exist in real life. The secret became known to the enemies, even in those days when they were not thinking of writing. Negative information appeared not only in the newspapers, but was also conveyed by word of mouth. And all the dangers that have traditionally been attributed to social networks are not merely simplifications, but initially misunderstood the problem. In fact, everything that has been used to blame communication in the network is the result of various management mistakes. The employee, "officially" not only "admitted" to the network, but also having special skills to develop the business in social media, is able to bring tangible profit with minimal temporary and material costsA properly designed and established regime of commercial confidentiality will not, of course, solve the problem of leaking information, but will allow the perpetrator not to go unpunished and motivate the staff to remain silent. There is a simple and effective way to control the exchange of information-to add "to friends". It is interesting that "social networks" usually understand "Odnoklassniki", "My world" and "In contact", less-Facebook or Twitter and much less-LinkedIn or Professionals. Although the latter are positioned as sites for useful business linkages, this does not prevent "advanced" managers from listing them as prohibited sites. In addition to well-known social networks, which are officially positioned under such "network status", as well as "Livejournal", services of Google, Rambler and Yandex, there are still many forumsFor example, popular among autotransporters or "Lardi trans", as well as cats or dogs and cactuses. Communication of these resources from the point of view of the exchange of information differs little from the blogs and groups at known sites. Only one way to restrict access to all sources is to completely shut down the global network to all employees of the company. But the ban is not, as it is, a method, because it has long been known: any action gives rise to opposition. In fact, social networks, like any source of information, are indisputable valuable if they are properly used and taken to ensure that they are not used against you. Some tips starting with a literate Russian language! "Albany" is not yet completely out of fashion, but it is not worth diluing their normal Russian speech. In serious discussions, the Russian language must be perfect. The same thing can be said about the vocabularyYou will not be interested in reading anyone and adding to "friends" if your emotions on any occasion you express the same words. It's very important to find your face. These can be different roles: a rubber, a critic, a commentator, an investigator, a commentator, a humorist, no matter. What is important is the extent to which your role will be persuasive for the interlocutors. You can add yourself to "friends" only in two ways: to become a famous person, even in correspondence with whom you can be proud or boast, or become interesting for people. Remember that nothing in the network plays a role: the smile is not visible, and the expressive gestures are replaced by words. Do not add all unparsed to "friends". Look who's your common friend. Otherwise, you risk getting a competitor that will keep track of all your network trafficRemember that the Internet is a source of increased danger, and any word you say can be used against you. Perhaps your future client, and even worse, a competitor. In social networks, you come here to exchange interesting information and express thoughts and emotions. Don't cheat! Knowing you as a specialist should only be in two ways: either in a "professional" subject or in your personal profile. Don't chase the numbers. The quality of the messages is more important than "oh" and "ah" for each, even the smallest reason. But do not forget to celebrate in the discussions of friends. Tell the world about yourself! Almost all social networks make it possible to customize visible and invisible information, including records in discussions. But your "friends" should make an impression of you and remember who you are. For the purpose of your stay in social networks is advertising-its own and the companyBe sincere. Be friendly and discreet, even to the opponents. The sharp emotions can only be allowed to talk about raising the tax on profits to 40% or the total ban on travel abroad. But don't grab the "all straight" news. Separate the grain from the shoulder. If you make a couple of artificially created "sensations" for the new law, it's the third time you're just being written down in a spammer, even if you write a clean truth. Beware of the national issue and criticism of competitors. The national question is clear, and it is not worth criticiing competitors because they are most likely to treat you kindly and are quite ready for you to recommend, until they read your criticism. "Women's Question" and religion are very dangerous. You can speak only when you have a very strong, well-reasoned opinionLinks to sources that may be called by other participants in the discussion are the best way to damage the network's reputation among serious people. Learn to observe and catch observations of the camera. It's better to describe. You don't have to be a known blogger, but everyone who knows who Alexei Navalny is also knows that he is a lawyer. Do not overload yourself with network communication. Some medics consider it possible to delay. You can take ten to fifteen minutes every morning and before you leave to view your tape. If someone is joining, encourage him. For example, at the end of the year, encourage him with a valuable gift or prize. Thus, you will emphasize that a personal initiative and additional responsibilities do not go unnoticed. Be optimistic! To become an important person in their virtual circle is a difficult task, and time requires muchBut at the end of the day, we all have enough time in the network. Let this be a good time for the cause. There are special trainings on social media. Don't pity the money and the time! Those are the attachments that will pay off. Networks of social and special activity in social and special (professional) networks of the same person will differ. In one case, this is an exchange of information not related to professional activity, but in another case, it is a special, business communication. But in either case, the goal is not to get new knowledge, but to get new connections and new clients. In networks like Facebook and "In contact", you can create a page, not just a person, but also a company pageAnd if she gets a certain number of fans, then the employees of this company registered in the network will be able to indicate as a place of work the real, "live" page of the company. If the company's information is constantly maintained and updated, and the employee notes this information, the news is displayed to his friends. That is, the company soon begins to live in a network of its own, independent life, and is given the opportunity of remarkable advertising. "Friends," if you find out that your employees spend a lot of time online, don't rush to break your spears! If you ask for "friends", you can find lots of interesting information on their pages. For example, in the same "friends"People have many different interests, and it is quite possible that the director of logistics of a large trading house, together with one of the employees, is driven by motorbikes, and the responsible person is small, but a promising company with a large cargo flow is consulted with your secretary for the care of the orchid. In social networks, friends are the cheapest kind of advertising. The network principle itself is built in such a way that the interests of the friend are automatically visible to the entire environment. In fact, the social network-a school of online marketing of multilei marketing: if one of the users liked something, and in a short time all his friends will know about it, the information will go along the chain. And there's a great chance that someone from this complex chain is looking for exactly what you're trying to sell yourself or your authorized employee.Do not harm, however, managers and social networks often manage to make mistakes that do not lead to anything other than a secret irritation of the entire collective. The most common error is the requirement of a base-wide registration on a particular network and daily confirmation that the information posted overnight by the creative manager has been read by these people. First, information begins to "walk" on the network only when the user has a lot of fans, that is, people are interested in the information they put out by that person, and they trust her and are ready to discuss it. The "I like it", made by "dead souls", is capable of teeming the masters ' self-esteem, but, unfortunately, it will not play the result if in "friends" the corporate pages of the corporate neighbors are only roommatesSecondly, the requirement of registration against the will of the employee is a manifestation of not managerial talent, but despotism, not to mention the violation of the employee's rights, and resistance to such a decision is fully understandable. In such a case, it is not worth even trying to determine why this person is categorically opposed to the registration on a particular network and network activity at all. "Virtual life" should be voluntary, then it will produce results. Third, the person assigned to the "Advertigo Administrator" role should be the active user of the network. If his tape will only be able to supply information about what a great company he is in, and what wonderful services this firm can do, the main part of the "friends" will simply put it on the black list. Well, fourths, the staff member must be educated, well-informed, and others ' discussions, to be able to argue their point of view and, in addition, to understand where he is expressing an opinion, albeit an epatage, and where he is "crossing the border". The latter, however, is critical only when the statements deal with issues that are close to unacceptable, for example, those that border the incitement of ethnic hatred. In other words, your "choice" should be an erudite, interesting interlocutor, "supplying" friends reliable information from reliable sources and preferably a large but not excessive number of friends. If there is such a person among your employees, consider that you are lucky, and it is only necessary to discuss the details of the advertising project and the remuneration with him. If you don't, you have to act on your own. In the ranks worthy of the discussion, we need to immediately find out which networks, statistically, more users: to begin to figure out which network your friends are the most. Usually enough is one of the two most popular networks-Facebook and "In contact." The first "friends" can be found through special search links that connect to e-mail and select the contacts that are already registered on this network. You can then create a company profile. In the first stage, you can personally ask your friends to mark it as "liked" and make sure that this link appears in the profile of your employees as "the current place of work". And further-to begin daily and painstaking work, taking into the ranks of the people who can become your clients. It will have to be time-out. At the same time, it is much more productive to discuss with interesting people about the urgent problems than to simply postulate the vacation photos. In addition, friends can be really interesting and even important even at the scale of the country, and this "friendship" may turn out to be not just a mark in the list, but to grow into real communication. There is no need to pursue the number of friends and to add everyone who has managed to cross into discussions: a non-business-person, non-Internet-connected user, or not a known person, is unlikely to gain more than a thousand friends, half of whom will actually be "dead souls". Quality is important here, not quantity, unless you are looking to get into unwanted lists as soon as possible or to clean your own tape from a lot of meaningless messages. Topics for talking can be any: politics, weather, football, cars-everything is interesting. True, there is a nuance: this subject should be of interest to you, and it is highly desirable that you at least partially understand it. Then your opinion will be interesting, and many of them will want to be your "friend." Even better, if your point of view is different from the point of view of others, but not so radical as to awash in them class hatred, but so much so that they want to know about you as much as possible. There is no need to focus on their activities: most users are very distinguished with self-signed and veiled spam. If you write in the status: "We have launched a new direction-refrigerated transport!"-it is unlikely that anyone will respond more than the word "young". If the status is to have something that speaks of emotions, for example: " Start refs. "I haven't slept all night," you have a good interest. You don't need to be afraid of emotions online. Most of us often go in there because the Internet is not only the exchange of information, but also feelings, thoughts. It is not by chance that various blogs and diaries are popular. This time, let your insomnia just feel sorry for you, but if one of your friends needs a refrigerator, it's very likely that he will remember you. Do not advert in the event, but rather a little emotional spectacle, share with your friends feelings, they will remember this kind of candour. But don't get your personal negatives out of the network. Only very "advanced" users, with a large number of subscribers and a certain authority, can afford this. Social networks allow the creation of a group of interests. However, such a group may not always be tied to a company's home page, but it is very convenient for the group to connect with existing customers. Before you create a group, you should ensure that there are no previously created groups with the same theme or name, and then invite friends with similar interests and place information about the group on your site. There will be a fine topic for the discussion among the carriers will be traffic police, law and policy decisions related to motor transport. The main thing is that the topic is relevant for all participants of the group. The purpose of such a group is communication and operational communications. New users can be added to a group. You can also link to documents that might be of interest to team members. Placing a link on a company's own site will have a double effect: "ask" to the group can and completely unintentionally placed visitors, but they can stay in the group for a long time. And that means that if necessary, they will surely remember about you, and from a virtual friend you will switch to the status of a very real partner. The most popular "road transport" social network is probably "Autotranspho". Although this site cannot be called a net social network. This is an information portal, where there is a very active forum where there is a very quiet passion among the permanent visitors, representatives of consulting firms, newcomers-carriers, freight forwarders, numerous intermediaries and "outsiders." There are certain special groups in professional social networks, for example, "Professionals." Most specialized groups have a great disadvantage: they are not active, and among their visitors only carriers, that is, people on one side of barricades. In fact, the benefits of communication in special forums are only one, but very important-authority. Half of the visitors of special forums also visit social networks, which means that can be added to "friends" and fans of the page and group. The specialized forum should be held only when there is a guarantee that the opinion of the new participant is in fact the expert's opinion. If I'm not, then who?If the staff member has not been able to find a successful, erudite active user of the social network, and the manager is not at risk of any higher obligations for any reason, there are only two options: either to stop dreaming about social media or to invite a specialist. Social Marketing Manager (SMM) is a new but rapidly growing specialty. Specialists at various levels are already on the market, and there are already real professionals, even stars. But be prepared for you to spend a lot of time, and perhaps the funds, if you decide to contact a specialized recruitment agency. It is not easy to find a business-specific employee. However, the cost of successful selection can be paid off as soon as possible. The professionals have a lot of techniques and methods, how to unwind even the least known business. Make a real transport market legend from a small company. SMM will define the development strategy, select the most appropriate audience, form special offers, put the right emphasis in positioning, and will do much of what the ordinary manager is unlikely to be able to do. SMM operates not only on the methods described above, but also uses many other methods to quickly increase the company's recognition in the network. The question is, what is the cost of such a specialist? The websites of the Rabota. ru and Superjob offer a fairly wide offer of SMM, and the cost of a specialist starts from RUB 20,000. It is true that you will get only the beginning of the manager, without special education and experience, but who knows, maybe it is from him that a new star will be made. SMM with experience will cost about 40,000, and an expert with advertising and marketing education-from 60,000. It should be noted that the profession of SMM is so specific that without the assistance of a specialized recruitment agency it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without. In addition, the cost of these specialists increases so rapidly that the data becomes obsolete almost every month. Given how quickly your business is a real professional, it is necessary to make a decision about hiring a new employee when there are reserves to service new customers or there is a possibility of rapid expansion. Otherwise, it is highly probable that the company will simply "drown" from the influx of new customers, or will be forced to refuse them, thus negating all SMM efforts. Post The public relations department of OJSC KAMAZ announced the formalization of the group on the website "In contact". Kamsk car factory became one of the first Russian truck manufacturers to pay attention to the growing popularity of social networks. The site for launching an official group of the enterprise became the social network "In contact", which is the most popular among workers at the moment. The group's pages will gather useful information from the life of the car plant, bright novelties, events, latest news, various contests and actions. In real time, users will be able to get the latest news about the leader's products and services. Discuss any topical issues, get a response to your question or give advice, and share the impressions of the forum. Group Reference http://vkontakte. ru/id8318212#/club1191183.