The time came to pass the next inspection. I was left alone with his so-called "problem" first started collecting information. It turned out that if the machine in order that, having paid receipt at Sberbank and having a first aid kit, fire extinguisher and emergency sign to the technical inspection of the vehicle you're ready.
Как я проходила технический осмотр автомобиля-tehnicheskiy-osmotr-avtomobilya-jpg
There was another option for the money. And yet, on reflection, decided, though he did not believe what happens. Searching for friends, I found a replacement set for the motorist. Outlining the station to pass the technical inspection and payment receipt, I with children, rushed to the coveted pass. Yes and friend, inspired by my intentions, to go with me (she too came time for technical inspection).
Arriving at 10 am, I was the second. With full confidence that I have everything in order, start to pass the so-called inspection. The man looked headlight unit, then sat with me in the cabin behind the wheel and checked the condition of the brake system (this is when the car runs over the moving rollers and braking they should stop).
At that moment, when he needed to begin inspection of first aid kits and other equipment for my children begin to naughty and screaming, while in the salon. Because men hardly make children cry me, just asked if everything was OK with the first aid kit. To which I replied in the affirmative and proud YES. Gave the documents and invited to the first window to receive the pass.
Now came the turn of my friend. After a while she comes to me with words that failed. She wrote a note that the car is all OK, only the first-aid kit, etc. does not meet the standards. While at the station, suddenly find out that almost every year its norms. Emergency sign must be a certain value (what a difference this is something affected) in the first aid kit at all constantly changing list of contents and a fire extinguisher with a seal and is not yet known.
We asked all the men in the queue that would give this wretched set motorist. But not very willingly they answered, and so to give us a first aid kit, etc. for 10 minutes and the speech did not go. Leaving the premises have been desperate my friend in passing guy asked: do you have a first aid kit on the new design? He widely smiled and said: Yes, there is. Already not believing his luck, he said, and you can take it from you for 10 minutes? Yes, he replied. Ur all not in vain. Now, by adopting the new kit and my little brother (he is 2 years) girlfriend went to present things as they are. Literally five minutes later she returns first aid kit our Savior and my Savior. Answered her: woman, what is that you didn't say that you are with child? And not even looked at the submitted inventory. That's how we got the coveted pass technical inspection.
To pay money or take place itself? After two years, I ask myself the same question. But the children already grow up, and hope the case is not worth it. Better do men. And the next time I say favorite I'll do it myself.