Repair manual, operation and maintenance of vehicles KrAZ-B, KrAZ-B and KrAZ-B.
This manual consists of such parts:
technical description KrAZ
- operating instructions KrAZ
- instructions for maintenance KrAZ.

In the first part of the book is the technical description presents the main specifications KrAZ-256 and its modifications, described the basic principles and methods of setting and adjustment of components and assemblies.
Instruction manual KrAZ-256 contains important information necessary for the safe operation of these vehicles.
In the third part of the manual contains instructions for maintenance KrAZ-256 the described procedure of scheduled maintenance KrAZ, which will ensure continued serviceability and reliability of the car.
On the KrAZ 256 installed engine YAME-238.

Download repair Manual KrAZ-256Б1, KrAZ-257Б1, KrAZ-258Б1 on AutoRepManS: