The Trucks.
The book describes the frequency and technology maintenance KrAZ-256, KrAZ-B, KrAZ-257 and KrAZ-258.
Detail vehicle faults and workarounds, disassembly and Assembly of units, components, monitoring the status of the parts of the vehicle specifying equipment and fixtures. Recommendations for restoration details. In the application data on the bearings and the torque of the main threaded connections. The book is intended for engineering-technical workers of motor transport enterprises.

Release: 1968
Author: Circular C. M., Romcevic I. N., Mamchur, N., Vinogradov
Publisher: "transport"/DjVu (fully recognized) + DOC
Quality: the recognized text (OCR)
Number of pages: 264

Автомобили КрАЗ-5debecc320ef-jpg Автомобили КрАЗ-35f714585623-jpg Автомобили КрАЗ-7847b6f0c722-jpg

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