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Watch the BMW Documentary:

In the third installment ofBMW Documentaries Film series Wherever You Want To Go, the German automaker looks at the future of intelligent and sentient automobiles. Called Reinventing Mobility, the short film ponders whether self-driving vehicles will still leave room on the road for the romance and fun of driving. The film can be viewed online starting today at

Reinventing Mobility features astronaut Buzz Aldrin; futurist and conceptual designer for Blade Runner, Aliens and Tron, Syd Mead; Google VP Marissa Mayer; ZipCar founder Robin Chase and many others. The two previous films in the series have examined from everything how automobiles will shape cities of the future (and vice versa), and why the idea behind the flying cars has never really, ahem, taken off.

Will the owner of a 2011 BMW M3 someday seem as outdated as a dinosaur when cars learn how to drive, park and avoid accidents all by themselves? A taj bold question for a company that proclaims to build the ultimate driving machine.