Accident in Bryansk happened seventh of October. At the pedestrian crossing on Moskovsky Prospekt 29-year-old woman along with her daughter ended up under the wheels of the car. The girl died on the spot, and her mother Anna Sivakov was placed in intensive care. The incident was recorded by two video recorders. One was installed in the bus that let pedestrians cross, the second - in the car inspectors who were on duty nearby. On the record shows that pedestrians almost crossed the roadway, but do not have time for literally a second - car 20-year-old Irina Dobrzanski literally dared them. After the news about the accident in the city began to protest, the population threatened to arrange a lynching party responsible for the accident. Irina Dobriansky was put in a psychiatric hospital, but the incident has passed control to the Department for investigation of particularly important cases. On Saturday after a funeral in the city held an unauthorized rally, where some citizens have even started to shout political slogans, after which they were detained by law enforcement officers. Conclusions about the degree of culpability of the driver will result, however, I would like to draw attention to some fact: if the traffic police took the position before the transition, and not for him, and was responsible for flow control, then the accident could have been prevented. Bad work and road service: pedestrian crossing marked only by signs, and markings on the pavement is missing.