Fisker Karma Hybrid sold in England for more than double the inflated price. Machine decorated with special die with autographs of top-managers and co-owners of the company-Henrik Fiskera and Bernhard Koehler in the United States selling hybrid Fisker Karma has already started. Since July there can be purchased "karma" at least $ 95 900. But in some other countries, where the Yankees are too going to implement "dvoâkodvižimye" četyrehdverki, buy a car, it is not yet possible. For example, in the uk the sedan is not yet available-Californians now solve the problem with the production of right-hand drive cars. However, recently at an auction in London yet implemented the first in the territory of the State of benzoèlektričeskij Fisker for immodest 000000 140 (approx. $ 220 000000 according to the current exchange rate). This is more than twice the planned retail price of Fisker Karma in the United Kingdom. All proceeds go to charity. To engage in good deeds will Pratham organisation UK, founded in 1994 in Mumbai, India. It helps children from poor families receive an education.