The desire to "earn" nearly cost the 28-year-old senior Lieutenant of life, when he became himself a match, leaking gasoline from patrol UAZ. Late at night a policeman with a canister in hand, as we found out lifenews. EN crept up to the patrol cars of their colleagues. Opening the fuel tank, toiler order not found where to insert the hose, and decided to want to make a match. A minute later several cars and a large area of the inner courtyard of the police was at the mercy of the fire. At first the Lieutenant himself made several attempts to extinguish the flames, but, in desperation, have caused a fire. The fire has been put out, but burned UAZ not be recovered. Now Kashirskoe police go on the job on foot. The "pyro" in the deed is not recognized, claiming that at the time of service, when a fire broke out, went to investigate. However, a police officer has been suspended from duty and brought a criminal case against him. Another incident in police ranks occurred recently in Chelyabinsk, where the traffic police helped the crooks to cash in on three million.