Marketers, not concerned about short-term profits, but long-term prosperity of the company, I will say that the characters and brands are only worth something when reflect the real human values. Breathe in the car is the soul, to make his ideological friends of the owner, the main task of the special masters Studio of interior design in Sindelfingen.
Wolves and German widths are always pleasing to lovers of pastoral landscapes. There is a small town in Malsheim, just 25 km away from the industrial and noisy Stuttgart, the lull. Looking at the peaceful red tiled roofs of the wooden hangars, you will not know at once that the "Messerschmites" and "Junkers" had been hiding in France seven decades ago. The airstrip was built on the outskirts of Malsheim in 1937, the "Luftwaffe" base. Now it is not less than half of a Mercedes Benz in its black and wet-asphalt from the rain. In front of my eyes is a real exhibition of achievements of the famous trilogy star: here and the rapid SLS-AMG, and the majestic S-class, and an elegant SLK, and a whole outpost of electric and not very "Smart". A few, on the emerald grass of fields that surround this advanced technology, were the most common sheep. And so much in this union of nature and works of the hands of human harmony and comfort, that it was impossible to get away. However, at the main design centre of the world's oldest car firm, located here in Zindelfingen, there was a lot of mental health. They dream of "It is the creation of a cosy atmosphere so that the owner of the car, when he is driving, feels at home, and that there is a priority of our task,"-a tall, slightly unfolded uncle like John Malkovich to say the words softly, half-whisper. The manager of the color and decoration department, Martin Bremer, is perceived as a model of comfort. Unless he's got enough domestic slippers. Especially Martin is about the naturalness of materials used in the finishing of materials and experiments with natural gifts. Having taken a decorative panel with a picture that resembling snake skin, the main decorator of the Mercedes Benz shows the effect that can be achieved by using an eggshell. "How did they come up with this?" the question immediately arises. And then the answer is, except for the 440 designers who are involved in the cars of the near future, another 60 employees are simply. dream. Yeah, do you have a job? These guys (though there are women) five days a week, and eight hours a day, imagine that humanity would be moving in space, say, years through fifty, and what kind of vehicles they would need. It's hard to tell today that in half a century eggshells will be widely used in the finishing, but now in Zindelfingen, there is a clear preference for more solid materials-fabrics, metal, wood, leather. The skin of the Mercedes saloon is used mainly from South African cows. And only the source of the most expensive grade of leather-"Nappa"-is Austrian burenkov. They, as the Germans have found out, are less of an insect bite, so the skin is of the highest quality. This careful approach to material selection also applies to fabrics. It is true that the Manufactory is not working more closely with Zindelfingen, but in a design studio in Italian Como. In the very mansion where the neckties of Versace's, specially trained people reflect on how aesthetically, the materials will look in the cabin of the new car, how they will feel the client. And the tissue samples, the skin, the lines for the line here, there's a whole sea. It is only competed to combine them-a serious task. Thus, if at least one element is changed in the whole chain of, say, the colours of the seats on the seat or the leather interior of the front cover, the airbag tests must be reconducted. After all, the new dye changes the properties of the material to break. And the wood needs to be managed in a way that separates the original color from the service of the car. Otherwise, after replacing, in the event of God, accident, the new decorative bar will differ from the others, which I understand is completely unacceptable for Herr Bremer. From computers to plasticity, before the interior of the future "Merc-Benz" begins to work in the department of decoration, it is already able to travel to other offices and studios of the design-center in Zindelfingen. After all, from the very first sketches to the final approval of the new model, the production will take place at least three years. By the way, some ten years ago, it took twice as much time. Of course, the time frames have helped, of course, computers. One of the most impressive is the magic wall. The large screen of the size of about 7 feet (3 meters) on which a three-dimensional image of the car is projected makes quite a stunning impression. You can twist it any way you like, paint it in any color, look inside. You can see everything in the "magic wall". The image is so realistic that it seems like a car can start and go now!Yet despite the abundance of ubiquitous electronics, in Zindelfingen, as 20 and 50 years ago, the mock-ups of the future machine are made out of plasticine. At the initial stage, the designers prepare 3-5 machines at a scale of 1:4. At least one month at a time. I mean, it's not just blind to be blind, but it's gonna be a good one. Drunky musings, miniature emblems, toy wheeled discs are made manually in a special workshop. And after the designers have chosen the most appropriate one, they are already in full size. Why are you so complicated? To my question mark, Mark Fevereston, who painted the new SLS, said that no, even the most advanced program is not able to convey the sensations that you get from working with a real live model. Of course, this meticulous manual labor pays the buyer of the car and pays a lot of money. But it does not end up with a virtual car, but the real one, which, as Zindelfinen thinks, should look relevant and fashionable at least twenty years. It is so much obliged to serve the owners of their "Mercedes-Benz" owners: not to break, not to break the quality of finishing, not to blink in the eyes of others. But two decades of service in the era of disposable products is an eternity.