"GAZ group" handed over to the forestry Department of the Nizhny Novgorod region 13 fire trucks on the basis of "Sadko" GAZ-33081. Photo: Konstantin Yakubov From the serial-wheel-drive truck it has a two-row cabin and factory installed fire protection equipment. This water tank on a half ton, pumps, special device for adding water active extinguishing substances, three backpack fire extinguisher and other equipment. Photo: Konstantin Jakubovany these cars President of GAZ Group Bo Andersson gave Nizhny Novgorod forest small forest patrol the complex on the basis of the vehicle "Sable" GAS-27527 designed not only for use but also for testing. It is equipped with a high-pressure vessel and the water tank of 500 liters, and the cabin secure additional arcs security. At a recent exhibition "Integrated safety and security exhibition,this machine was awarded a diploma "For the best technical solution for the prevention and extinguishing of forest fires".