This text was not translated, because it is originally in English
A revolutionary 3D instrument panel that incorporates third generation TFT displays with more than one million pixels, Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDS) and a complex, patented mirror system to deliver the 3D effect has been developed by German specialists, Aprilnarr.

Speaking exclusively to Road & Tracks European editor, Ian Adcock, the systems Italian designer, Dr. Aprile Pazzo, explained that the 3D effect layered different vehicle information according to its relevance but that it could also be tailored to individual tastes, For instance, if the driver is a keen sailor the read out can be changed to nautical miles, knots and even include the Beaufort scale for wind speed. Alternatively, enthusiastic horse riders could have furlongs for instance. Whilst athletes or slimmers could choose a calorific read out, it really is that flexible, explained the sultry brunette engineer, continuing The other advantage is that drivers dont have to wear those silly 3D glasses with a red and green lens that are so unfashionable and never match anything I am wearing.