The exact timing of the opening of the continuous bus lanes on four major highways of the capital called yesterday at a hearing in the Moscow city Duma Deputy mayor of Moscow Nikolay Lyamov. The subject of the hearing - Land transport of Moscow: bottlenecks". In his words, quoted by ITAR-TASS, October 29 will be open lane on the highway Lipetskaya street - subway station "Kolomna"; November 5 - band on Michurinsky highway from Borovsky highway to Kiev station; November 19 - on the Yaroslavl highway from Moscow to Riga station ; November 29 - " highway from Warsaw highway to Kutuzovsky Prospekt. "By 2016, the city planned to create about 300 km of reserved lanes. This year we will razmitim 228 km bands," said Lyamov, noting that currently the city has 83 km of reserved lanes with a total length of urban roads 1,5 thousand km Head "Mosgortrans" Peter Ivanov added that the existing dedicated lanes speed of buses increased by 20 percent or more. But Moscow motorists of the situation on the roads of the city are not at all happy in their opinion, vydeleny brought the capital to a standstill. Meanwhile, the "Blue buckets" figured, what the capital needs dedicated lanes for public transport him with all the comforts of moving cars with flashing lights.