Moscow authorities have started to create a service inspectors-auditors by public transport, said Deputy mayor for transport Nikolai Lyamov on Thursday at a press conference in RIA Novosti. Now perform their role turnstiles, but they significantly slow down the process of boarding / alighting at bus stops, which are formed congestion. "We are introducing the Institute of inspectors-auditors. Currently registered company, which will deal with these things," said Lyamov. Turnstiles will be dismantled, but the number of validators, on the contrary, will increase by installing at each entrance to the cabin of the bus or trolley to the passengers when boarding has applied for registration of transport maps. It is assumed that future devices will be able to read information, and with the universal electronic cards. By the end of this year, passenger traffic in the capital is expected to increase, the authorities are doing everything to transplant residents with private vehicles to public. Already this year in Moscow will be 10-15 highways with dedicated lanes for public transport.