General Motors has announced a drastic restructuring of the business in Russia - the company is wholly withdraw from the market Opel and Chevrolet. About these and other details stated in today's official press release.
In view of the difficult economic environment, protectbase this decision, GM also will close a plant in St. Petersburg. The report notes that on the Russian market, the group will focus on the premium segment, i.e. on the Cadillac and partly Chevrolet. In the case of the latter it is only three models, which will remain on sale - Corvette, Camaro and Tahoe.
Change our business model in Russia is part of a global strategy to ensure long-term success in the markets where we are present, " commented the head of GM Dan Ammann. This solution allows to avoid serious investment in a market with uncertain long-term perspective.
Escort Opel entirely and a number of Chevrolet will be very soon — at the end of December this year. Meanwhile for all General Motors among other things, this means $600 000 000 of costs in the coming months. Such a matter. We'll miss you!