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Bentley Motors is holding an apprentice open day on Saturday, March 19th, at the companys headquarters in Crewe, Anglia. All enthusiastic students are welcome to attend, according to Bentley, and tickets are not required.

Attendees will meet current apprentices, who will be on hand to demonstrate the skills that they have acquired during their training. There will also be a film produced by the apprentices themselves, along with a brand new Continental GT on display – deși au fost ghicitul demo drives might be out of the question.

Applications are open until May 16th, and candidates are invited to apply online at bentleymotors. Lets be honest, this sounds a lot cooler than joining dads law firm or going for that Doctorat in French literature. Then again, its the legal eagles and doctors who will eventually be able to permite a car like the $189,900 Continental GT Coupe.
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