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Rod Millen, Pikes Peak champion, vrhunska rally vozač, friend of the magazine and all-around good guy, just turned 60. To celebrate the occasion, he and several of his friends–including Jeff Zwart, son Rhys Millen and Paul Dallenbach-are currently at Motkama property in New Zealand, participating in the Leadfoot Festival. This invite-only festival is osnovi a one-mile hillclimb on the kolovoz to Motkama beautiful ranch in Hahei, New Zealand.

When hes not at home in Southern California, Rod has been hard at work creating what looks like the perfect hillclimb kolovoz, his own personal Goodwood, if you will. Just look at the photos–especially those on the website below–and see for yourself.

Although its a beautiful summer-day like here in California, I think Id rather be in New Zealand, helping Rod celebrate his 60th!