Fordovskaâ police met a peaceful crowd of slezotočivymi gases, icy jets of water and shots. Our correspondent from America said to ...
Fordovskaâ police met a peaceful crowd of slezotočivymi gases, icy jets of water and shots. Mercenaries-arrows Ford's company sent their machine guns on the five thousand unemployed people demanding jobs, and mowed more than 50 people. On the street, covered with patches of blood, lay upturned, riddled with bullets, cars. Halfway between Detroit and Dirbornom, the workers were met by a detachment of 60 police officers who asked them to turn back. After the failure of the police launched tear gas. But a strong wind blew away the gases, and the demonstrators broke through the line, throwing the police protecting a hail of stones. The police retreated, and workers continued their March. It's no secret that at the Ford plant in Detroit are nests for machine guns in the galleries, walking on top of the shops-Ford has long been preparing for the days when workers do not want to be slaves of the pipeline. Details of the incident can be seen zdes′A all other information can be found here. .