In Italy, a scandal erupted due to buying expensive cars for the Ministry of defence. Purchase of apparatus for expensive cars, the cost of which is not in the economic situation - a situation that is typical not only for Russia. According to British newspaper the Telegraph, the Italian defense Ministry placed an order for the purchase of 19 armoured cars Maserati. Adds piquancy to the situation the fact that recently the government announced the reduction in the budget of the Agency in the next three years to 2.5 billion euros. "While millions of Italians suffered from serious economic crisis, the Ministry of defence seems to have found a great reason to buy 19 armoured cars in its fleet," said a member of the opposition Democratic party Emanuele Fiano at the meeting of Parliament. The Minister of defence of Italy, Ignazio La Russa called this approach a "witch hunt" and said that the purchase of luxury cars was made from the budget of 2008-2009, formed before the advent of the saving plan. La Russa also added that he sees no problems occurred because Maserati is an Italian car and cost much cheaper than their German equivalents". In General, it seems, close communication Italian and Russian politicians do not go in vain - in Italy clearly took the example of our country.