Protest action against rising fuel costs took place in the State Duma and under the walls of the Kremlin. Police intervention led to the detention of the leader of the Federation of car owners Russia Sergei Kanayev (par). Leader Sergei Kanayev HEADLAMPS as reported by Interfax, Kanaev was detained before the action began. Nevertheless, adorned with flags and stickers against high fuel prices cars several times circled around the Kremlin, indignantly zooming during passage by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Police detained the protesters under the pretext of checking documents and theft. As a result, order 20 cars HEADLIGHTS circled around the Kremlin not one or two times. Then, obviously, the police tired to control the movement of farovcev, but because they blocked the exits of the quay, forcing drivers to make a detour and go to the Kremlin through the garden ring and Tver. After nine pm all over. Kanaeva was released from Office, all went home. HEADLIGHT activists believe that on Thursday evening in the Centre of the order gathered 60 motorists.