Steering control scheme used on production cars, not drastically changed for decades. The most common way is with a rack and pinion mechanism. Evolves only power: hydraulic gradually abandoned in favor of electric reasons of fuel economy. Recently also used Reiki with variable pitch teeth for a more "sharp" driving in turns. Extraordinary may be noted that unless the conceptual development of GM on the crossover Sequel, where the "bagel" is not rigidly connected with the steering rods - responsible for all wires. However, the last time the Germans in this field has made us even more surprisingly, they introduced touch "wheel". New designed by experts of the research center for artificial intelligence and universities of Stuttgart and Duisburg-Essen. The aim is to reduce the degree of distraction of the driver from the road. The prototype, made of acrylic with a thickness of only 11 mm, by means of an infrared camera monitors the movements of the fingers on which is built in the screen. Thus, to control, for example, the same "music" by using simple, intuitive movements, not looking buttons on the center console. Now "parents" unusual controller are negotiating with automakers about the possible appearance of it on the massive machines. The main task is to find a material that will not interfere with the airbags to perform their main functions. However, we think that the main problem lies in the disputed viability of the project as a whole, given its high cost and complexity.