Volzhsky automobile plant, though, and came in plus, decided not to hurry with the indexation of wages to its employees. Explain that the failure of the plan in the first quarter, writes "RBC daily". "The results in the first quarter of this year, the company received 916 million rubles net profit, however, the plan proceeds from the sale of manufactured products made of 87%", - the letter says. In total, the plant produced in January-March products 38,98 billion rubles, and the plan for the first quarter was $ 44.8 billion rubles, " - said in a letter to the conciliation Commission of the automobile. In the first quarter of the plant were sent to personnel salary grade of 5.74 billion rubles If management did indexation 10%, for these purposes would take more than half of the profits for the quarter. It's no wonder why the management at this step did not go. The conciliation Commission plant promises to return to the issue of indexation of wages by results of the second quarter. Last time indexation of salaries of factory workers (10%) was carried out in October 2010. By early June, the Russian auto giant announced the results of sales in five months. Since the beginning of the year in Russia implemented 236 511 Lada cars.