Microcat Ford Europe 08.2010
Electronic parts catalog for Ford European Assembly. Includes information on passenger and light commercial vehicles. When fully installed (program + data), took about 4.6 Gb. Rolling back the date is required (no recoil works until December 2011 onwards). Completely redesigned package, just run setup.exe and specify the installation path. The pill is not required. If previously there were previous versions MICROCAT Ford, be sure to remove them before installing, otherwise there may be problems with the definition of the current directory with the database (startup program iterates through all logical drives (except Z and looking for the folder FEU_DATA, and mc1234 zero-length file in the root of the drive).

Release date: 2010
Platform: MS Windows 2000/XP/2003 (x 86)
Compatibility with Vista/Win7: compatible with the 32-bit version is not compatible with x 64.
Language: multi language, including Russian

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