Recording from the DVRs may become evidence in court

In the state Duma a bill allowing the use of a recording from the DVR as evidence in court. This document proposed by deputies from the liberal democratic party of Russia Igor Lebedev and Yaroslav Nilov.
The results of the sample analysis of decisions of courts of General jurisdiction indicate contradictory judicial practice of using materials, audio and video recording, photo and filming in the consideration of cases on administrative offenses, including violations by drivers SDAthe document reads.

The bill proposed to identify new means of proof, because often, the recording of the DVR is the only way to understand the case, and the courts of such material video not taken into account.
In the explanatory Memorandum deputies also recalled that in 2007, in part 4 of article 1. 5 of the administrative code was entered note, according to which a person suspected of an administrative offence stipulated by car head 12 of the administrative code, does not apply the principle of presumption of innocence.