Brand "infinity" is the luxury division of Nissan is preparing to launch its own electric car.
Infiniti electric As reported by our correspondent Francois Bancon, General Manager of Nissan cars with zero emissions, the first electric car "infinity" will show in the next year. It would be like one of those cars with electric current. Francois Bancon (Francois Bancon, General Manager of Nissan cars with zero emissions electric infinity will have the best technical indicators compared to the Nissan Leaf and own original design. According to françois Bancon, the electric car from "infinity" will get the sedan, which will be longer than the Leaf and, of course, be more expensive electric firstborn from Nissan. Francois Bancon skeptical about the prospects for the emergence of development of electric transport in Russia. "Electric vehicles in Russia is a difficult country. Electric cars are exclusively urban transport, and you love on the weekends to go to the country", - he noted. In addition, electric cars do not like cold weather. Francois Bancon (Francois Bancon, General Manager of Nissan cars with zero emissions the Most notable appearance of electric cars from Nissan, according to françois Bancon, to be held in new York, where electric "Nissan" will be used as taxis.