Caterham prevented problems with KERS

The entire second half Thursday Guido van der garde had to work without KERS - routine tasks Caterham was prevented by technical problems, but the program team has completed. . .
Guido van der garde: Productive day-with 93 passed circles we have completed all the scheduled tasks. After the break having technical problems that the entire second half of the session had to ride without KERS, however we were able to evaluate different options that will determine the direction of work tomorrow and subsequent tests.
Caterham помешали проблемы с KERS-qzqr4b_agy-jpg
We pay special attention to improving the reliability of the machine. Progress compared with the previous year is obvious, but we must detail all review and-if tomorrow Blizzard will be hosting the party to continue working in this direction on the final day of the tests.