Some time later, after buying a car of his once-happy owner faced with the fact that trim looks much worse than at the time of purchase - where there were spots where the dirt ingrained in mikrotreschinki plating, as in the back seat of some bad people left tough cigarette hole. And if, cleaning the salon to help no longer remains only one way out - hauling vehicle again.
Перетяжка автомобильного салона — что, как, зачем-peretyazhka-avtomobilnogo-salona-jpg
Finding the right car is unlikely to take You a lot of time - many garages today provide this service. Ask friends of friends-car owners who have previously updated the beauty of their "iron horses", take them coveted address or phone number and forward.
When budgeting for this activity You should be aware that hauling automobile salon includes a range of activities is not only the waist, but, ideally, and replacement covers car seats, and replacing door inserts, and hauling sheathing doors, roofs and ceilings. Thus for any element can be used as a single material or various combinations thereof. The use of different types of seams is also actively used by automotive designers.
Here you can schedule and replacement carpets. Not mandatory, but incredibly improves the appearance of the salon kind of work is hauling the dashboard. As, by the way, hauling the wheel. And it's desirable to change the air conditioner filters, because it is very important to preserve the appearance of materials trim - if the filters are dirty, beauty long will delight You with its fresh form. If desired, you can immediately pay and heated seats - this is especially important in cold regions.
The question how to hobbit inside beloved car, too, should not create any difficulties. Any engaged in hauling salons car will be offered covering a variety of materials - You will only have to choose. The most popular and sought-after today, materials such as imitation leather, leather, Alcantara, suede, flock, vinyl and autotesting.
Перетяжка автомобильного салона — что, как, зачем-peretyazhka-avtomobilnogo-salona1-jpg
Especially in demand leather-due to its practicality and durability. Automotive leather sometimes very different textures and colors, there are variations as with or without perforation. So if you really want to, you can modify your salon to full recognition. Moreover, Interior re-covering is not a luxury, but a necessary process in the operation of the machine is the same as changing the oil and other "joy" maintenance.
So, good luck to You. And let Your car pleases You both external and internal views as long as possible.