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How does Skodas IRC-winning Fabia stand up to the mighty Noble M600 on asphalt?When you look at these two cars squared up to each other, side by side on the same piece of road, any comparison between them seems vaguely ridiculous. The Skoda Fabia Super 2000 rally car may well boast more than its fair share of skirts, stickers and spoilers, but its also twice as tall and only half as long as the altogether more exotically proportioned Noble M600. It looks, indeed, a bit like a go-faster shopping trolley beside the long, wide and deliciously low-slung, classic supercar form of the M600.
Things dont get much better for the Skoda when you fling the technical notes open and compare what lurks beneath their wildly differing skins. The Noble has 450-650bhp on offer, depending how brave youre feeling and where you position the switch that leashes its twin-turbo 4. 4-litre V8 engine. The Fabia, on the other hand, has a 2. 0-litre, four-cylinder motor that produces a decent, but hardly hair-raising, 265bhp.

І калі справа даходзіць да моманту – як правіла, вызначальным элементам паскарэння аўтамабіляў – бедная старая Шкода атрымлівае змагаўся на зямлю і ўдар у самае балючае месца. Ён проста 180lb футаў дваранам велізарныя 604lb футаў (большасць з якіх даступныя і гатовыя скарыць любыя стужкі бітуму ад ледзь вышэй tickover).
But the Skoda weighs less than the Noble, of course, so any kind of energy deficiency it may suffer on paper is instantly negated in reality, right? Wrong. Very wrong. Give or take a gallon of petrol here and there, they both weigh about 1200kg. Which means the Noble boasts not only gigantic power and torque advantages, but an equally unfair power-to-weight advantage, too. And it has much wider rear tyres, much bigger brakes and a classic mid-engined chassis design that makes the front-engined Skoda seem worryingly workaday.
So why did we even choose to put the Skoda through the purgatory of such a comparison, and on The Snake handling course at Chobham proving ground that could have been designed specifically to suit the Noble? Because in reality the Fabia can take it, and then some. It does have one or two tricks up its sleeve, after all, some of which even an M600 driver might be a touch disturbed to discover.
And the most effective of these is its four wheel-drive system. With mechanical diffs at the front, at the back and in the centre of the car, all of which are controlled electronically, the Fabia can generate traction and grip that the Noble, fat tyres or otherwise, cant hope to compete with. Its also geared much, much shorter than the M600 and features a straight-cut sequential transmission that can slice between ratios significantly quicker than the Nobles conventional six-speed manual.
You dont even need to use the clutch once under way in the Skoda. Everything the Fabia S2000 does once on the move has been designed to happen as quickly as possible. It even sounds rapid when you fire it up, the starter motor churning for a quarter of a second before the unsilenced engine explodes into life, completely drowning out the gentle purr of the Nobles V8.
At which point you do think, Okay, fair enough, lets bring it on. Lets see what this snarling, flame-spitting, exhaust-popping, angry little runt of a car can really do.
Так мы і зрабілі, і вынікі былі крыху дзіўна для пачатку. Гэта было поўнае і абсалютнае адзін бок вуліцы, з такімі тэмпамі быць прадыктавана не манеўранасць і счапленне на Шкоду, але па чыстай хуткасці і паскарэння высакароднага. Мда...
Праз пару спіна да спіны тэставых запускаў, са мной у высакароднай гнаць работ-падтрымліваецца драйвер Роберт Barrable ў Skoda, было ясна, што высакародны быў хутчэй. На мілі. Гэта можа паскорыць хутчэй ва ўсіх ключавых кропках, ён меў большае счапленне сярэдзіне павароту – не толькі праз хуткіх паваротах, дзе можна было б чакаць, каб яна лётала, але праз павольных, так жа і пры тармажэнні гэта можа заняць велізарныя кавалкі з Фабии амаль усюды, нягледзячы на адсутнасць антыблакавальнай сістэмы.
Only on the jump section thats about three-quarters of the way through The Snake could the Fabia pull out any kind of an advantage, but only then because I was backing off in the M600 to avoid grinding its expensive carbonfibre front splitter into terra firma. All of which was a touch strange and not at all what wed expected.
After one more back-to-back run, during which the M600 once again sat on the Fabias tail (allowing me a grandstand view of the Skoda sliding all over the road), we stopped and chatted. Barrable reckoned the Fabia was struggling for grip everywhere and claimed it had no bite at the front end at all through most corners. He couldnt really use any of the cars power as a result and suggested we take a look at the tyres.
At that point it became crystal clear why the Skoda was struggling to keep up. Its rear tyres looked like they were wearing a swimming cap, while those at the front were worn through to the canvas. So the mechanics set to and changed all four Michelins, this time fitting a harder-compound rubber on account of the unusually coarse road surface that makes up much of The Snake. And then we started our test all over again.
This time the outcome was somewhat different. Starting nose to tail again, the Noble still had the edge, just, when leaving the line. But the moment Barrable and the Fabia turned in to the first corner, a third-gear right-hander, well, that was that, really. He just disappeared, and I never saw him again until the end when we turned around and he gave me a great big grin, along with a Barry Sheene-style V sign to go with it. Nice one Robert, cheers for that. And there was I thinking the Noble was king of The Snake.
Had they been sandbagging all along, or were the tyres on the Fabia merely spent before we set off? Or, indeed, had Barrable been playing games to begin with, leading me and the dear old Noble into a completely false sense of security?
У любым выпадку, гэта не мае значэння, таму што, калі штуршок прыбыў, каб засунуць Фабия даказалі, што мы падазравалі, што гэта будзе ўсё разам: тое, што ён непераможны, нават на адным з самых хуткасных аўтамабіляў, якія можна купіць за грошы, і што ніякія перціся ад М600 – не 450 л. с., 550bhp або поўны 650bhp – было б дастаткова для барацьбы з хватку, спрыт і адкрытай хуткасцю па зямлі. Нават на дарозе, вядома, такіх як гэты.
We did a few more nose-to-tail runs, this time with me leading and Barrable in the quicker Fabia behind, just to see where the key differences in their performance lay. Inevitably it was the turn-in speed of the Skoda and its exit speed from each bend that were the winning skills. No matter how hard I tried to commit the Noble to each corner, the Fabia had the edge. And a very thick edge it turned out to be.
Because when eventually we got the stopwatch out and timed them individually on a run, just to see absolutely which was quickest, Barrable and the Fabia demolished me and the Noble completely. I drove the M600 as fast as I could, scaring myself stupid in a couple of places, and managed a time of 33. 2sec. And then Barrable and the Fabia S2000 promptly went 2. 1sec quicker. Over a distance of considerably less than one mile.
Кропка была даказаная па-за усялякіх сумневаў. Шкода Фабия С2000 хутчэй, чым высакародны M600 – і з перавагай, што нават добрых людзей ад Шкода магла паверыць. Я пайшла дадому, адчуваючы сябе крыху ашаломленым, шчыра кажучы, быў цалкам узрушаны гэтым дзіўным маленькім аўтамабілем.
Original text

Noble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v1s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v2s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v3s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v4s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v5s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v6s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v7s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v8s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v9s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v11s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v12s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v13s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v14s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v15s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v16s-noble-jpgNoble M600 супраць Шкода Фабия Super 2000-skoda-v17s-noble-jpg