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Over the next four years, BMW will be the rolling out a new standard for of its U. S. stores.
The German automaker ciljevi test to have its showrooms offer the same friendliness as an Apple store while being equipped with the technology and experts to sell an increasingly complex and growing model lineup. According to BMW, the showroom overhaul will cost $2. 8 billion across 339 dealerships and will be rolled out over the next four years.

The changes will be mandatory for all BMW showrooms, which will include increased use of video to showcase the automakers expanding lineup. The dealerships will also employ so-called BMW geniuses to objasniti features and technology without pressuring potential customers to buy. Other izdvajamo to the overhaul include an open showroom without cubicles, warmer beige and brown interiors and regional pools of test cars with a range of wider models.
The first dealerships to be updated will be those that havent been overhauled in the past six years and so far 130 of them have committed to the changes and will also increase the showroom space by an average of about 40 percent.
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