Satellite map of Algeria with the binding.
Imagine a satellite map of Algeria.
Show the downloaded area on the figure. It is the capital and the suburbs (approximately - Large Algeria).
Map is uploaded using SASPlanet with A map is a satellite overlay hybrid (also google). Map uploaded with the scale of 250 m (approximation 16), 125 m (approximation 17, 18), 25 m (approximation 19, 20). That is uploaded approximation from 16 to 20. Closer on google no.
Uploaded cached photos stuck together in the form of files with the extension ecw. Each scale is one file + file with the extension map. Then to reduce the size of the files produced by the conversion in the expansion ozfx3. All but 20 of the approximation. It contains a Converter for some reason hangs. If the hand will be in demand, try to solve the problem.
The hand laid files and ecw and ozfx3. You have to download all the files is not necessary, select the desired format.

Extra info: Swinging all this to solve problems navigating the city.
Also provided demand will expand the downloaded area until the whole country (with cuts).

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